
Documentation of the Moopato Website Builder.

Frequently Asked Questions


Creating an own template

The Templates are written in the templating system Jinja2.

Step 1

In your Moopato Website Builder Project create an empty directory called template and copy the existing files of the default template (found in _moopato_install_dir/templates/web_default) to this directory.

Step 2

Load your Project in Moopato Website Builder and go to the project setting -> Build setting and now under the templates selection choose My Project Template. Moopato now uses your custom template.

How Moopato determines which template to use?

When building a single page, it will search for the template to use in the following order

  1. A template file (.html) with the same slug as a static page or article has
  2. A template for the type of the page (article or content (Static page and generall fallback))

When it builds index pages for article lists it will search for an articles_list.html.

How to customize the sidebar?

The sidebar is currently not editable via the editor but the underlying engine already supports customization. Right now you can do it by

  1. Open the project.json of your project
  2. In the Project file is a field named sidebar. It contains a list of sidebar entries. Each has a name used for display in the resulting page and a file. If the file attribute is NOT present the entry is interpreted as the tag cloud. If a file name is set, it will look in the project folder under /textblocks for your file. Files do have the moo extension and can contain markdown.
    "sidebar": [
          {"name" : "Browse by Tag"
          {"name" : "Other Sites from us",
          "file" : "other_sites_from_us.moo"

How to customize the Navbar?

The navbar is currently not editable via the editor but the underlying engine already supports customization. Right now you can do it by

  1. Open the project.json of your project
  2. In the Project file is a field named navigation. It contains in Order the elements for the navbar. Each entry has a name for display and a relative URL for the link.
    "navigation" : [
      {"name" : "Home",
      "href" : ""